HFH For Providers
The providers side of Helping Families Help is for people who bring, or are interested in bringing, CRAFT-based approaches into their communities. Whether you are a clinician, a family peer coach, an administrator, or a family member who is running a CRAFT-based group in your area (such as SMART Recovery Family & Friends or an Invitation to Change Group), these resources are for you!
Here’s how to get involved
1. Become a Member of the Helping Families Help Provider Network (HFHPN)
Perhaps you just learned about CRAFT today. Perhaps you’ve been a certified CRAFT trainer for years. Regardless, if you are interested in bringing CRAFT into your community, we’d love to have you join our community of providers!
HFHPN is Membership Program that supports community and growth within the CRAFT-based provider community and amplifies the CRAFT-based offerings of its Members.
Joining HFHPN is a great first step in getting connected and learning more! After all, CRAFT encourages family members to find support… and our path of growth as providers is no different!
Providers who are new to HFHPN will receive a Free Year of Membership if they choose.
As an Active Member, Active Organization, or First Year Intro Member you can attend monthly consultation groups, list your CRAFT-based events and groups for families, connect with other CRAFT-based providers with specialized interests in our Special Interest Groups, be in the HFHPN email group, and become a part of this community of other providers who are passionate about teaching families the skills and perspective that CRAFT-based work has to offer! Basic Level is a bare bones level for providers who are only interested in supporting the site and being in the HFHPN email group.
2. Attend Upcoming Provider Events & Trainings
Check out the listing of upcoming CRAFT-based trainings available for providers offered by members of the CRAFT community. Events are open to provider participants regardless of HFHPN Membership status, except where noted.
3. Review CRAFT-based Provider Resources
Learn more about some of the research behind CRAFT, and a “family tree” conceptualization of CRAFT and CRAFT-based approaches.
HFHPN can be helpful to you regardless of how long you have been offering CRAFT-based work!
There are several ways that being a Member of HFHPN can be helpful to you!
HFHPN helps families find out about your services through Helping Families Help:
Active Level
• Active Level gives you a Directory Profile in the new Directory (if criteria is met). It is the only membership level that includes a Directory Profile.
• When families write in to HFH for help in finding CRAFT-based resources, Carey responds to them with targeted recommendations based on their family role and location, and she uses the Directory to identify providers and resources that are local to them.
Active & First Year Introductory Levels
• List your CRAFT-based ongoing groups or time-limited events on our Ongoing Groups and Family Events pages
• When groups/events are first posted they are added to the monthly Family Events Newsletter which is sent to over 2400 families monthly, receives an open rate of 47-51% (compared to an industry average of 37%) and a click-through rate of 7-11% (compared to an industry average of 1%). (Comparisons according to Constant Contact's Feb 2024 averages for open and click through rates for Health and Wellness businesses.) I take these numbers to mean that the newsletter is going to families who really want the information!
• I also post the Newsletter information on Facebook. Not a ton of followers there (I’m not really active) but it does get posted to a few specific groups for family members.
• Attend monthly consult groups and a Newerish group (great for asking other CRAFT-based colleagues questions about outreach suggestions), and join (as well as suggest) special interest groups (SIGs). These opportunities help you connect with your community of CRAFT-based providers… and the best referrals are from people who know you and admire your work!
Active, First Year, & Basic LevelsAll Members have access to the HFHPN email group community of providers for their own support.
• You are welcome to post to the HFHPN email group (listserv) of other CRAFT-based providers to let folks know what you are offering, if you wish!
HFHPN can help you learn more about the different CRAFT-based approaches that are available, connect you with others who do the work, and help you figure out the next steps in getting trained
Join HFHPN at the free First Year Introductory Membership Level to connect with the community and learn more about this work! Your credit card will not be asked for on sign up.
Sign Up for your Free First Year Introductory Level Membership!
Ongoing practice and learning is at the heart of getting better at any skill… I believe that is as true for us as providers as it is for the families we serve.
By creating community with other CRAFT-based providers we co-create a more enriched environment for our own growth.
And…I think this provider community creates an integrity to this work that is absent without it. To take actions towards an integrity of process… If we are asking families to practice, then we should be practicing too. If we are asking families to find community then we should find community too. And if we are inviting families into the change process, then we should invite ourselves too. And when we do this, I believe everyone benefits... the families, their loved ones... and us.
I'll get off my soap box now.